“Darksome night and shining moon,
East and South and West and North,
Hearken to the Witch's Rune,
Here I come to call thee forth.”
- The Witches’ Rune (Revision of The Witch’s Chant) by Doreen Valiente

A Spell Sachet for Study: from Planetary Spells & Rituals
Embarking on occult study means opening yourself up to a virtually endless world of new knowledge and information. Time to call in Mercury for help. Here is a sachet that can aid you along your journey.

World Card’s Fabulous New Year Spell by Sasha Graham
Time to say goodbye to the past and walk through the gate of the world dancer into a new year of wonders.

Luck Attraction Spell by Robyn Valentine
Use a homemade incense spell to welcome a flow of luck into your life.

JACK-O-LANTERN Protection Spell
Add a little extra protective magick to your home’s jack-o-lantern, this Halloween.

A Gratitude Spell for the Autumn Equinox
Harness the energies of the equinox and express thankfulness for the harvest and blessings in your life.

Banish Nightmares Spell - the Devil Card
Transform your fears into love with the help of the Tarot and get a restful night’s sleep.

A Spell to Protect and Bless Your Personal Grimoire or Book of Shadows
Whether you have a Grimoire or a Book of Shadows, you can bless and protect it with magick.

Hanged Man, Make the Right Decision Spell
Embody the Hanged Man and the Two of Pentacles Tarot cards to help you make a difficult decision.

Pink Moon Spell to Attract the Ideal Partner
For a new love interest, a new friendship, a business partner, a hobby buddy, or any purpose that you might be in need of a partner in crime for…

Embodying Creative Fertility with The Empress & Geranium
Embody the Empress and bring in the qualities of creativity, fertility and abundance with this bath ritual and incense recipe.

Travel Spell Bags & Correspondences
Here are the two spell bags shared in Episode 6: Travel and Vacation Magick, as well as the travel magick correspondences.

Carrying Yourself With Pride: A Magician Spell by Robyn Valentine
In Episode 5: Fortune and Flora - The Magician and the Lily, I take a deep dive into the Magician card and share Robyn Valentine’s spell, Carrying Yourself with Pride. Be sure to grab a copy of Magickal Tarot for yourself!

A New Year Spell for Happiness, Luck & Protection
Let’s start the new year with a powerful wish spell for joy, good fortune and protection for all our precious goals and intentions.

The is a ritual that I have suggested to friends - and I myself have performed - on numerous occasions. It is just one of the many indispensable applications you can find in Aidan Wachter’s Six Ways: Approaches & Entries for Practical Magic.