“Darksome night and shining moon,
East and South and West and North,
Hearken to the Witch's Rune,
Here I come to call thee forth.”
- The Witches’ Rune (Revision of The Witch’s Chant) by Doreen Valiente

JACK-O-LANTERN Protection Spell
Add a little extra protective magick to your home’s jack-o-lantern, this Halloween.

Banish Nightmares Spell - the Devil Card
Transform your fears into love with the help of the Tarot and get a restful night’s sleep.

Travel Spell Bags & Correspondences
Here are the two spell bags shared in Episode 6: Travel and Vacation Magick, as well as the travel magick correspondences.

A New Year Spell for Happiness, Luck & Protection
Let’s start the new year with a powerful wish spell for joy, good fortune and protection for all our precious goals and intentions.