“Darksome night and shining moon,
East and South and West and North,
Hearken to the Witch's Rune,
Here I come to call thee forth.”
- The Witches’ Rune (Revision of The Witch’s Chant) by Doreen Valiente

World Card’s Fabulous New Year Spell by Sasha Graham
Time to say goodbye to the past and walk through the gate of the world dancer into a new year of wonders.

Luck Attraction Spell by Robyn Valentine
Use a homemade incense spell to welcome a flow of luck into your life.

JACK-O-LANTERN Protection Spell
Add a little extra protective magick to your home’s jack-o-lantern, this Halloween.

A Spell to Protect and Bless Your Personal Grimoire or Book of Shadows
Whether you have a Grimoire or a Book of Shadows, you can bless and protect it with magick.

Embodying Creative Fertility with The Empress & Geranium
Embody the Empress and bring in the qualities of creativity, fertility and abundance with this bath ritual and incense recipe.