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The Living
The Living Grimoire grows as the Podcast expands on it’s own catalog of working knowledge… You can follow along on either platform or use both as guiding tools along Your Journey through the World of Magick.

Imbolc: What to Know About the Feast of Waxing Lights
Learn the history, mythology and traditions associated with both the ancient and modern festival of Imbolc.

Samhain: Traditions, History, the Moon & the Dumb Supper
Discover the themes, traditions and historical background of this, the highest of holidays in the witch’s Wheel of the Year.

Autumn Equinox, Mabon & the Second Harvest: All About the Fall Celebration
Here is everything about the Autumn Equinox, Second Harvest and Mabon from Episode 36 of the podcast.

The What and How of Kitchen Witchery
Kitchen Witchery is an amazing opportunity to infuse a daily activity with intention. Let’s cook up some magick!

Lughnasadh, Lammas and the First Harvest
Find out the origins of the First Harvest celebration and the difference between the names “Lughnasadh” and “Lammas,” plus traditional activities and magickal intentions.

Daily & Planetary Magick Series: FRIDAY, VENUS and LOVE MAGICK
Take a crash course into the Magick of Friday, Venus and all the Love they both embody.