Tarot: The Tower
from Episode 37: Fortune & Flora - The Tower and Yarrow
We are back to Fortune & Flora and revisiting the Fool’s Epic Journey through the Major Arcana, as they encounter The Tower….
You would think after the difficult lesson of the Devil card - cause lets face it, coming eye to eye with our shadow, admitting to our attachments to the material, or even our addictions, and examining the things we do and do not have control over are not exactly simple - that maybe its time for a nice rest for the Fool… but not now… not now that they’ve come so far on this journey of enlightenment. No, no its time to shakes things up a bit more… or a lot more.
The Tower, speaks to the Fool of sudden and disruptive change or a revelation that shakes the foundation of one's life. It hints at inner change, identity crisis and destruction. It's a call to let go of old beliefs and structures to make way for personal growth and transformation.
Imagery and Symbolism in the Tower
Lets take a close look at the card itself and the scene that is unfolding before the Fool in order to see what we can glean from the details and symbolism within. The Tower is decidedly one of the most iconic and powerful cards in the deck, showing vivid imagery and rich symbolism:
Elements of the Tower Card
The tall Tower structure stands at the center of the card. It is often interpreted as a symbol of stability, security, and ego. It represents a false sense of security and a rigid belief system. And it’s not in the best condition right now because its been struck by lightening and is currently aflame.
Most card will show a bolt of Lightning striking the tower's top. This sudden and powerful force represents a divine intervention or a sudden realization that shatters the illusions and false beliefs that an individual has been holding onto.
For this reason we also see Flames coming out from the top of the tower as well as from the windows. The lightning strike has caused the flames to suddenly erupt from tower. These flames symbolize the destruction of the old, oppressive structures and belief systems. It's a purification process that clears the way for new growth and transformation.
Further down, we will also see the Falling Figures. In some versions it is two figures and they represent the individuals who were trapped in the tower's false sense of security. They are being cast out of their comfort zones and forced to confront the truth. It is no longer safe or viable for them to remain inside the tower and they have either been flung from the structure or have leapt from it because further destruction is immanent, should they stay.
I some versions of this card, you may also see a Crown falling from the top of the tower. This crown symbolizes the fall of false authority and the dissolution of the ego. It suggests that true wisdom and authority come from within rather than from external sources.
Some versions of the card also depict the sky as red. The fiery red sky, further emphasizes the chaotic and intense nature of the event. A red sky can also symbolize passion, anger, and a turning point.
And finally, in some cases we can see, off in the distance, a mountain top or a patch of wilderness that has remained undisturbed by this chaotic scene. It is the natural world, completely unaffected by this explosive episode.
Overall, the Tower card is a symbol of breaking free from limitations, false beliefs, and illusions. It signifies a necessary and often uncomfortable process of transformation and awakening. While it may bring sudden change, disruption and chaos, it ultimately leads to a clearer understanding of the self and a chance for personal growth and renewal.
This is liberation through destruction. This flipping the table. This is a reminder that sometimes we need to dismantle our old ways of thinking and/or living in order to build something stronger and more authentic.
Transition from the Devil to the Tower
So, how did we get here, from the Devil card, which was no simple lesson, to this apparent catastrophe?
In the Tarot's Fool's Journey, the transition from the Devil card to the Tower card represents a significant and often challenging shift in the Fool's experiences and understanding of the world:
1. As the Fool, with the Devil card we faced the temptations of the material world, acknowledging our attachments, desires, and the bondage that can result from unchecked cravings. This was a period of being entangled in materialism or negative patterns, driven by the ego's desires. And these were self-imposed limitations that we built up for ourselves because, as we remember, the chains attached to the figures were loose enough to easily shed. Most importantly, this existence, no matter how enjoyable it can be, no matter how safe it can feel or no matter how much we may rely on it as a crutch, is not a sustainable.
2. Now, the transition from the Devil card to the Tower card can be seen as the breaking point or wake-up call for the Fool. It's a moment of realization that the path they've been on, driven by desires and illusions, cannot be held up and is leading to chaos.
3. So the Tower card is very dramatic and unsettling because it portrays the necessary destruction of these negative patterns and illusions by showing this tower - a symbol of ego, false security and rigid belief systems - being struck by lightning and utterly destroyed. This is pure upheaval and chaos.
The Tower card represents the sudden and sometimes unexpected change, often brought about by external events or realizations, that is absolutely necessary (liberation through destruction). It's a card of disruption and the breaking down of old structures that are no longer serving a purpose.
The Fool's transition from the Devil to the Tower can be seen as a moment of reckoning. The Fool realizes that the path of materialism, attachment, and unbridled desires they've been on has led to a state of inner and outer chaos. So The Tower represents the inevitable consequences of clinging to false beliefs and illusions.
And there are some Key Themes in this state of transition:
Awakening: The transition represents an awakening for the Fool, a moment when they become acutely aware of the destructive nature of their attachments and illusions.
Release: The Tower card signifies the shattering of false foundations. In this transition, the Fool releases themselves from the bonds of the Devil card but does so abruptly and forcefully.
Embracing Change: This transition teaches the Fool the inevitability of change and the importance of embracing it, even if it is disruptive and uncomfortable.
Personal Transformation: The transition marks the beginning of a profound personal transformation for the Fool. It forces them to let go of old beliefs and patterns, making room for new growth and understanding.
To sum it up, the Fool's - or our - Journey from the Devil card to the Tower card represents a pivotal moment of awakening and reckoning and signifies the breaking of chains, the release from materialistic attachments, and the acceptance of change as a catalyst for personal transformation. While the transition can be tumultuous and uncomfortable, it's ultimately a step towards greater self-awareness and spiritual growth.
Numerology 16
The Tower is the 16th card in the Major Arcana - and the number 16 carries symbolic significance, associated with various meanings in numerology:
Predestined Debt Number:
In numerology, 16 is often considered a "predestined debt number." – some of you may see this referred to as karmic dept. It is associated with challenges and lessons that result from past actions or decisions. People with 16 in their numerology charts are believed to have debts to repay in this lifetime. These debts can manifest as obstacles or difficult situations that they need to overcome.
Transformation and Personal Growth:
The number 16 is associated with transformation and personal growth. It signifies the need to let go of old patterns and beliefs (symbolized by the number 1) and embrace change and spiritual awakening (symbolized by the number 6). It suggests that individuals with this number may face challenges that push them to grow and evolve on a deeper level.
Balance and Harmony:
The number 6, as a component of 16, is often associated with harmony, balance, and responsibility. It encourages individuals to find balance between material and spiritual pursuits, relationships, and family life. It also suggests a sense of responsibility towards oneself and others.
Challenges and Tests:
The karmic debt aspect of 16 implies that individuals may encounter significant challenges, obstacles, or tests in their lives. These challenges are seen as opportunities for spiritual growth and self-improvement. It's a reminder that facing difficulties can lead to greater wisdom and personal development.
Spiritual Awakening:
The number 16 is linked to spiritual awakening and a deeper understanding of life's mysteries. It suggests that individuals with this number may have a strong inclination towards spiritual pursuits and a desire to uncover hidden truths.
And Balance Between Individuality and Cooperation:
The presence of the number 1 within 16 indicates a focus on individuality, leadership, and self-determination. However, the number 6 encourages cooperation, nurturing, and a sense of community. Therefore, 16 signifies a need to balance personal aspirations with the well-being of others.
Planetary Ruler: Mars
Mars is the planet of action in astrology. It represents passion, determination, drive, and energy. It’s a planetary ruler who commands us to stand up and get things done. It reigns over our confidence and our power, especially our ability and desire to wield that power.
Mars associations: aggression sex, action, desire, competition, courage, passion, the nature of the Warrior and the basic animalistic, instinctive side of us that fights for survival.
Ruling Element: Fire
The element of Fire is not extremely different, also commonly associated with the qualities of energy, assertiveness, and passion. However, Fire also purifies. It can be destructive but also give way to new growth, as is the case with naturally occurring forest fires – not the same as wild fires.
Fire sign traits: action-oriented, passionate, high-energy, impulsive, competitive and temperamental
The Tower in a Reading
As we know, interpretation can vary depending on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards but here's an in-depth interpretation of what the Tower card can typically mean:
Sudden Disruption: The Tower card represents an unexpected and often shocking event or revelation that disrupts the status quo. It can manifest as a sudden change, crisis, or breakdown in various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, or personal beliefs.
Breaking Down Illusions: This card is a wake-up call, indicating that the individual has been living under false pretenses or holding onto illusions that no longer serve them. The lightning strike symbolizes the divine intervention needed to shatter these illusions and reveal the truth.
Release of Repressed Energy: The Tower card can also suggest a release of pent-up emotions or energy that has been suppressed for a long time. This release may be necessary for personal growth and transformation.
Ego Dissolution: The crown falling from the tower represents the dissolution of the ego. It suggests that pride, arrogance, and a false sense of superiority are being humbled. This can be a painful but ultimately liberating experience.
Revelation and Insight: While the initial impact of the Tower may be chaotic and unsettling, it often leads to a moment of clarity and insight. It's a chance to see the truth, face reality, and make necessary changes in one's life.
Cleansing and Purification: The flames and destruction in the card can be seen as a cleansing process. Just as a forest fire clears away deadwood to allow for new growth, the Tower card clears away the old and outdated to make way for a fresh start.
Necessary Transformation: In many cases, the Tower card appears when change is not only inevitable but also necessary for personal development. It's a reminder that resisting change can lead to stagnation, and embracing change can lead to growth and renewal.
Unpredictability: The Tower card is known for its unpredictability. It suggests that the events it represents may be beyond one's control, emphasizing the need to adapt and find resilience in the face of adversity.
Letting Go: To navigate the energy of the Tower, individuals are often advised to surrender to the process rather than resist it. Trying to hold onto the old ways may only prolong the discomfort and delay the transformation.
Hope and Rebuilding: While the Tower card can be unsettling, it's not all doom and gloom. After the upheaval, there is an opportunity for rebuilding and starting anew. It's a chance to build a stronger foundation based on truth and authenticity.
The Tower card can be very challenging one, often presenting a very difficult but necessary lesson. It signifies sudden, disruptive change that forces individuals to confront the truth, let go of illusions, and ultimately undergo a transformation. It can be a daunting card to receive in a reading but it often brings about some much needed, positive changes in the long run.
The tower encourages us to embrace the uncertainty of life and find the strength to rebuild when the old structures crumble…
Plant Magick: Yarrow - from Episode 37: Fortune & Flora - The Tower and Yarrow